
TMLR’24] One paper has been accepted

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One paper has been accepted to the Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). TMLR is a new venue for dissemination of machine learning research that supports the unmet needs of a growing ML community. (https://jmlr.org/tmlr/)

A Large-Scale 3D Face Mesh Video Dataset via Neural Re-parameterized Optimization

Kim Youwang (POSTECH), Lee Hyun* (POSTECH), Kim Sung-Bin* (POSTECH), Suekyeong Nam (KRAFTON), Janghoon Ju (KRAFTON), Tae-Hyun Oh (POSTECH)
We propose NeuFace, a 3D face mesh pseudo annotation method on videos via neural re-parameterized optimization. Despite the huge progress in 3D face reconstruction methods, generating reliable 3D face labels for in-the-wild dynamic videos remains challenging. Using NeuFace optimization, we annotate the per-view/-frame accurate and consistent face meshes on large-scale face videos, called the NeuFace-dataset. We investigate how neural re-parameterization helps to reconstruct image-aligned facial details on 3D meshes via gradient analysis. By exploiting the naturalness and diversity of 3D faces in our dataset, we demonstrate the usefulness of our dataset for 3D face-related tasks: improving the reconstruction accuracy of an existing 3D face reconstruction model and learning 3D facial motion prior.