
2023 Spring AMI Lab Admission (Finished)

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POSTECH AMI Lab (P-AMI Lab.) is looking for self-motivated prospective graduate students. If you are interested in joining AMI Lab, please read the following CAREFULLY.

Phase 1: Official Screening

To get an admission of AMI Lab, you can apply to Dept. of Electrical Engineering (EE) or Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (GSAI). We are hiring from both.
PLEASE send your up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV or resume) and Official Transcript including ranking information through an email [sungbin@postech.ac.kr], if you apply to our lab. Optionally, a portfolio would be helpful to understand your background. Send an email right before/after your application to us, so that we know that you applied and are interested in AMI lab.
If you don’t submit your CV and transcript before applying to the school, we do not consider you as a candidate.
Please apply directly to the school (either Dept. of EE or Grad. school of AI), and get admission first (Please refer to https://adm-g.postech.ac.kr for detailed admission information).
If you have passed the official document screening, we will schedule an written exam (Phase 2) and an individual face-to-face interview (Phase 3).
Applicants who have passed the written exam in GSAI will skip Phase 2. Since the application schedule of GSAI is different from EE, contact us as soon as possible after passing the written exam in GSAI.

Phase 2: Written exam. (Time: 10/19 9:00pm ~ 11:00pm, online at ZOOM)

– A written test will be held via zoom.
– Date & time: 10/19 9:00pm ~ 11:00pm, the zoom link will be announced later to those who have passed the official screening
– Back-up exam: For the applicants who miss the first exam, a back-up exam is available upon request (time: to be announced)
– Detailed information about the written test will be available on this lab page at the end of April.
– Scope: Text book β€” Mathematics for Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press (Free PDF available in https://mml-book.github.io/)
All the problems will be related to the following contexts:
<Mathematics Background> – Basic probability and statistics – Linear algebra – Basic function analysis <EECS Background> – Signal processing – Programming & algorithm – Basic machine learning (+ back-propagation) <Language> – Basic English writing skill

Phase 3: Short one-to-one interview (Time: 10/20 ~ 22, offline or online)

– System design (Please google "system design interview" for industrial positions)
– Background Interview
– Portfolio Presentation
– The time will be announced later to those who have passed the written exam

Good luck!